Sunday, January 26, 2020

Animal Research Videos and Do You Want to Build a Snowman?

 Be sure to answer the question at the end of the blog post. :)

Ms. Schippers added some videos for us to watch so we can 
learn more about our animals for our research project book.

We enjoyed watching our creatures in action and learning about our friends' animals too!

Our 5th grade buddies came down to work on a snowman art project.
We enjoyed creating 3-D snowmen while listening to some snowy music!

Our guest reader read a book to us that reminds us to fill each other's buckets with kindness!

We problem solved different scenarios with our classmates in our lesson with Mrs. Chroman.
We had to decide on two possible solutions for the problem and then determine 
which would work best.

We problem solved with our groups.

We presented our scenario and possible solutions to the class.

We filled up our Put Up Jar!

PJ Day and Crazy Hair Day tomorrow. :)

Our words on the window include kindness and caring.
What would be a great word to do next?

Please leave a comment :)

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